Monday, April 11, 2016

Forgetful? 10 Foods To Boost Brain Health

Who doesn’t want to stay sharp and feel great at the same time? Here are SupermarketGuru’s top ten picks for brain boosting foods you can find in your local supermarket. 
Berries: Studies show that those with the highest intake of blueberries and/or strawberries demonstrated about one and half to two and half years of delays in cognitive aging; i.e. thinking, remembering, and reasoning. Researchers think it could be the flavonoids, which are plant compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Flavonoids are also found in other food and drinks such as citrus fruits, tea, red wine, and onions. How much do you need to keep your brain sharp? Just a half-cup of blueberries or two half-cup servings of strawberries a week.
Chocolate: A study from researchers based at Reading University's School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences in the UK found that consuming cocoa flavanols may improve aspects of eye and brain function. The study looked at acute intake of cocoa flavanols and then tested the subject's vision and cognitive performance and found that both were improved.
Cruciferous Vegetables: Adding foods like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts could have great brain health benefits. These vegetables pack serious antioxidant power, which helps protect the brain. A Harvard Medical School study found that women who ate more of these veggies lowered their brain age by one to two years.
Eggs: Whether hard-boiled, scrambled or sunny side up, eggs are a great meal or snack. Eggs are rich in choline, a vitamin-like substance (also plentiful in bacon, nuts, yogurt, chicken and more) which helps promotes memory and brain development. In fact, a study recently published by researchers at the University of North Carolina demonstrated that choline helps fetuses develop regions of the brain linked to memory. 
Healthy Fats: Healthy fats help “cushion” the brain; in fact 60 percent of your brain is made up of fat. Salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for the brain and eyes (deficiency can lead to anxiety and depression). Avocados are another great fat, as well as coconut, flax, chia and hemp seeds. 
Herbs And Spices: Next time you're whipping up a meal, turn to your spice rack for an extra brain boost. Spices and herbs may do more for your health than you realize; they are packed with nutrition! According to Dr. Daniel Amen, cinnamon balances blood sugar; garlic, oregano and rosemary increase blood flow to the brain; curry acts as an anti-inflammatory; and saffron can have anti-depressant effects 
Protein: Lean and “clean.” Choosing protein sources that are raised humanely and fed a proper diet, or pastured are your best bets. Protein is great to pair with whole grains and can help us feel full longer, avoiding a sharp drop in blood sugar which is a sure energy and brain drain.  Ask your local butcher about how you meat was raised. 
Vitamin D and E: research demonstrates the need for these essential vitamins in obtaining optimal brain health. Both D and E help to keep our minds sharper, aid in warding off dementia, and even offering protection against Parkinson's disease. There are a variety of great sources of vitamin E in foods including nuts, especially almonds and hazelnuts, wheat germ, and sunflower seeds. Green leafy vegetables like Swiss chard, spinach and kale provide vitamin E as well. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 15 mg for most adults. Few foods are natural sources of vitamin D. Salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel and fish liver oils are the best sources, and vitamin D can be found in small amounts in beef liver, cheese, egg yolks and some mushrooms. The Food and Drug Administration recommends consuming a minimum of 400 IU of vitamin D daily.
Water: Dehydration can lead to fatigue, fogginess, and more, so drinking plenty of water is crucial to keeping concentration and energy levels high.
Whole Grains: Whole grains are great – most notably oats. Getting your oats in a not so sweet granola is a great way to eat more whole grains. Whole grains in general contain phytonutrients, folate and B vitamins that boost memory.
Now that you know some of the best foods and tips for brain health… don’t forget to make a shopping list!


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